Sunday, June 6, 2010

Coaching certification

For the past three years I have been coaching a number of bivocational and fully-funded ministers.  I am pleased to announce that I am now certified as a coach through New Church Specialties.  I have been seeking certification for nearly a year now and am excited to reach that milestone in my life.

I am convinced that coaching is a great tool to assist clergy and churches that feel stuck where they are.  My Doctor of Ministry thesis was "Coaching Bivocational Ministers for Greater Ministry Effectiveness," and my work on that thesis convinced me of the value coaching has for both bivocational and fully-funded ministers.

If you are feeling stuck in your life and/or ministry, and you're ready to move forward, then it may be time for you to seek the assistance of a coach.  I served as a bivocational pastor for 20 years, so I understand the challenges you face.  In my role as a judicatory minister I now work with churches of all sizes, and I have helped these churches find a fresh vision from God, work through conflict situations, seek new pastoral leadership, and have led them in numerous training events covering a wide variety of issues.

Due to the demands of my ministry I cannot coach more than five persons or churches at a time outside of our judicatory, but I do have some openings at this time.  If you are interested in being coached by someone who understands your ministry, please feel free to contact me or call Tim Gates at 407-446-4444.  Tim is with New Church Specialties and will be setting up the agreements.

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