Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting unstuck

One challenge many bivocational ministers often face is finding someone to turn to when they feel stuck or need help.  Some of them are not comfortable talking to fully-funded pastors because many of them really do not understand the unique challenges of bivocational ministry.  I've had enough bivocational ministers tell me the same thing about their judicatory leaders to know that many of them also do not really understand bivocational ministry, and some ministers tell me their judicatory leaders are not supportive of bivocational ministry.  So, who do they turn to when they need help?  For some, the answer is finding a coach to walk with them through these times of confusion.

My DMin thesis was "Coaching Bivocational Ministers for Greater Ministry Effectiveness."  For my project I coached five bivocational ministers in the US and Canada.  It was a great experience for me and for those selected to be part of the project.  Each minister had to write a report of the experience, and each of them reported that it was a very positive experience that helped them move forward over some challenges they had been facing.

In addition to the ones I coached as part of this project, I have coached a number of other bivocational ministers.  I believe coaching is a very effective tool that can be a great benefit to a bivocational minister who is seeking some direction in his or her life.  If you believe coaching might benefit you, I would love to talk to you about entering into a coaching relationship.  Because coaching is part of my ministry, my fees are much less than those charged by most life coaches.  It would certainly be worth that investment to get unstuck and able to move forward in one's life or ministry.  Due to my other ministry responsibilities I can only coach five persons at one time, but I do have openings at this time.  If you are interested in learning more about how coaching could benefit you, please contact me.

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