Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thesis defense

As many of you know from reading this blog, for the past three years I've been working on my DMin.  Today I had to defend my thesis, and it went well.  My thesis was "Coaching Bivocational Ministers for Greater Ministry Effectiveness."  It was a good project, and I had the opportunity to coach five excellent individuals serving in various ministry roles.  I should be able to graduate in May with my degree.

Many who work with bivocational ministers should look at coaching as a great tool.  It's hard for bivocational ministers to find time to attend classes, workshops, or pastor's gatherings.  Coaching can be worked into their time schedule, and since it can be done over the telephone it makes it even easier to pull off.  Coaching also addresses the issues the person being coached needs to address at the time.  The person being coached always sets the agenda for each coaching session, so he or she knows that the issues most important to them will be the ones addressed.

If you would like a coach to help you with some of the challenges you face in ministry or life, feel free to contact me.  I have now coached several ministers, most of them bivocational, and every one of them said that it was very helpful.  Because I see coaching bivocational ministers as part of my ministry, my fees are much less than what most coaches charge.  However, due to my regular work, I can only coach a few people at one time.  If you're interested in seeing if a coach could help you, contact me as soon as possible to ensure I'll have a spot for you.

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