Thursday, March 12, 2009

Leadership development

How many readers have a personal growth plan? What about a personal ministry plan or a personal vision statement? Many of us are willing to go through life without any intentional plan to grow or develop as leaders. We may read an occasional book or attend a workshop, but most of us don't even do that. We claim we're too busy. I'm not sure we can ever be too busy to grow to our full potential, and without a plan for such growth it will not happen. Let me encourage you to develop each of these plans.

Start by listing 6-7 things you want to do to grow as a person. These should include growing as a husband/wife, a parent, a minister, a leader, etc. List 6-7 areas of growth you would like to experience in 2009. Then select one or two that you will specifically focus on.

You identify your personal ministry plan by first identifying two of your primary spiritual gifts and deciding what ministry areas you can use those gifts in. Write down both the gifts and specific ministry areas in which those gifts can be used.

By using each of the first two items you can write out your personal vision statement. "I will bring glory to God by __________________________."

Now, how do you need to grow to accomplish these plans? Just writing them down isn't enough. You have to intentionally do something to accomplish them. Are there workshops or classes you can take to achieve your plans? Who will serve as your accountability partner to help you stay focused on your plans? If you have created these three plans and answered the questions in this paragraph you have done more to experience personal growth than at least 90% of pastors.

One more question...what could happen in your church if you led each of your lay leaders to go through this same process?

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