Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Here is a definition for tragedy I would like for you to consider. Tragedy is succeeding in life in the things that do not matter. Think about this for a minute. It is being successful in things that ultimately make no difference while neglecting the things that matter most. It is like climbing the ladder of success only to find that it is leaning against the wrong wall. We may reach the top, but for what purpose?

Over the years I have seen many ministers change churches supposedly climbing up the ministerial ladder. Most would not put it that way, but I've seen very few ministers actually move to a smaller church or one that paid less. Some have achieved very "prestigious" ministry positions, but I wonder, when they reach the end of their lives what they will see as the difference their ministry made. Instead of being shepherds who knew their sheep and ministered to each one according to their needs (like Jesus), they became excellent managers and skilled administrators. Some become highly respected church leaders with broken homes and families. They may travel the world speaking at church conferences but cannot win a hearing in their own homes.

Every so often we need to stop and look at how we are spending our time, our energy, and our financial resources. Are we investing those resources in the things that really matter? Are we focusing our efforts on things that will really make a difference in people's lives, or is our life a tragedy in the making? My prayer for myself, and for the readers of this blog, is that God will show us anytime we are focusing too much on the wrong things and bring us back to those things that really matter.

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