Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The current issue of Rev! magazine has an article I wrote about bivocational ministry entitled "Bivocational Ministry: Meeting the Leadership Needs of the Smaller Church." It is a five page article that examines some of the challenges and advantages associated with bivocational ministry. Alan Nelson, Executive Editor, contacted me earlier this year asking if I would write an article on bivocational ministry, and it was exciting to see it published in the Nov/Dec issue. It is even more exciting to me that a major ministry magazine wants to discuss bivocational ministry. I think it shows again how much of an impact bivocational ministry is having on the 21st century church and its continued importance to the Kingdom of God.

We continue to see smaller churches looking at bivocational ministry as a viable option for their leadership needs. One reason for that is the excellent work that many of you are doing in your churches. Other churches see that and realize that they can also benefit from having a bivocational minister. Denominations that once were reluctant to use bivocational ministers also see the value we bring to the church, and many of them are now anticipating that the numbers of bivocational ministers will increase in their denomination.

If you don't subscribe to Rev! I encourage you to look for a copy. If your bookstore doesn't carry it I'm sure they can order a copy for you. I think you'll find other articles in the magazine will also be helpful to your ministry.

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