Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008

From all appearances this will be an election like we've not seen in the United States in many years. Millions of people have already voted in states that permit early voting. The news media are showing pictures of long lines at many voting locations. We are likely to see a record number of ballots cast in this election, and I doubt that any of us will know the winner when we go to bed tonight. As soon as I finish this blog I will go to my voting place and pray that there are no long lines at that site. Regardless, I will vote today.

I have not missed voting in a single election since I became eligible to do so. That includes every primary and local vote as well as in the national elections. It is my belief that as Christians we have an obligation to vote and work to make our nation a better place for each of us to live in. Sometimes my candidate is elected, and sometimes he or she is defeated, but at least I know that I voiced my opinion.

Regardless of who wins an election the Bible teaches that we believers have an obligation to pray for those individuals. We may not like their policies, and we may not even like them personally, but that does not negate our responsibility to pray for them. And when we believe they are wrong we have an obligation to speak up and let our opinions be known.

Please remember this: God doesn't fly on Air Force One. Whether or not your candidate wins today, God is still in ultimate control of this universe. The policies of an elected official or a political party may have a great impact on our nation and the world, but they do not have the power to bring about the spiritual change that our nation most needs. Only God can do that. Only He can send a revival that would restore this nation to Him. As we pray for our elected officials let's not forget to also ask God to have mercy on our nation and send the spiritual revival that we so greatly need.

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