Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I need your help

Next week I will begin a three month sabbatical. I'll talk about some of my plans in a future blog, but my project for this sabbatical is to learn how other denominations identify, credential, and train the bivocational ministers who serve in their churches. I will soon be contacting some denominational leaders to discuss this with them, but I also want to hear from you

Who helped you identify your call to bivocational ministry? What training, if any, have you received? Are you licensed, ordained, or does your denomination have another way of recognizing your ministry? These are just some of the questions I would like for you to respond to plus tell me anything else you want to about your journey as a bivocational minister.

As I've stated many times before, bivocational ministry is going to continue to increase. One of my concerns is that we may not have a good idea of how many bivocational ministers we currently have and what their greatest needs are. It seems to me that the first step in resolving this problem is by identifying our bivocational ministers, finding ways to help train them for the ministry God has called them to do, and find appropriate ways to honor their calling.

I would appreciate from hearing from each of my readers on this post. Thanks!

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