Thursday, November 22, 2007


It's early Thanksgiving Day. My wife has already left for work so she can come home early and get dinner together for the family. Our daughter and her family spent the night with us and are still asleep. The poor dog is whining in her cage because she wants to play with our grandkids. Our son and his family are with her folks this year for Thanksgiving. We'll talk later on the phone.

In many ways this has been one of the most difficult years in my life, and there are still challenges to be met. However, I got up this morning truly thankful for the blessings our family has known, not just for the past year but for all our years. God has been faithful to us in so many ways. I've spent some time this morning thinking about some of the things He has brought us through. It hardly seems like saying "Thank you" is enough, but God is probably satisfied with that. In fact, He would probably like to hear it more often from many of us.

I'm also thankful for the readers of this blog, the readers of my e-newsletter, and all those who serve in bivocational ministry. I respect the ministry you provide your churches, and I admire you and your families for the sacrifices you are willing to make to engage in bivocational ministry. At times it can get hard to keep going, but when you enter those times I encourage you to remember back to the calling God put on your life and remember the many times He has sustained you in difficult times. As He was with you then so will He be with you in your future struggles as well. My prayer for you this Thanksgiving Day is that you and your family will be richly blessed as we approach a new year.

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