Saturday, May 12, 2007

Church Leadership Institute

Four years ago our Region created the Church Leadership Institute to provide training for interested lay leaders and persons who felt called into bivocational ministry. We offer a good balance between introductory theological studies and practical ministry classes. In just four years we have slightly over 100 students who are involved in studies or have already completed the program.

This morning I had an opportunity to talk to one of our classes. Throughout the day each of our Region staff spoke for about an hour to the class explaining the various roles we each play in the Region. It was a good opportunity for the class to learn more about how our Region and denomination works, and it was good for us to connect with the students.

These are really sharp individuals who are committed to providing leadership to their respective churches. They give up two Saturdays a month to attend these classes, so their commitment is real. Unless they were convinced of the importance of continual learning they would find other ways to spend their Saturdays.

How about you? What are you doing to keep the tools God has given you sharp? Are you finding opportunities for continuing education? God has given each of us gifts that we are to use in ministry, and it seems to me that we have a responsibility to continue to grow as His disciples so we can best use these gifts.

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